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Auto Accidents Attorney in Del Rio, Texas

If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, it is important to take the following steps to avoid unnecessary fact disputes and to protect your health.

File an auto collision report. The officer will investigate and document what he/she discovered at the scene of the incident. A determination of fault will be made by the investigating officer, and the negligent party’s personal information and auto insurance will be provided in this report.

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If a report is not filed, do not leave the scene of the accident until you have gathered all necessary contact information from the people involved in the collision--such as names, phone numbers, addresses, and insurance information. Also, gather the names and contact information of any witnesses.

Obtain proper medical care for any personal injuries sustained. Inform the medical facility of all pains you are having, not just the injury that is causing the most pain. It is important to note that some injuries may not be immediately apparent. Visit a doctor immediately if you start developing pain even if it is days or weeks after the accident.

If the at-fault person’s insurance company obtains your information, you will be receiving phone calls. Do not discuss the accident or your injuries to anyone other than the police, your doctor, or your lawyer. Innocent remarks to insurance representatives can be used against you and damage your case.